Our Team

Dr. Christian Schmaus

is a registered attorney in Vienna since 2012 after passing the bar exam. Additionally, he is acting as a lecturer at the institute of state and administrative law of the university of Vienna, where he teaches for the project Refugee Law Clinic. He is part of the board of the NGO Integrationshaus and regularly holds lectures in the fields of asylum and immigration for various clients.

Dr.in Lioba Kasper (currently on leave)

was employed as a lawyer until June 2022 since passing the bar exam in 2020. She was the head of the legal consultation department of the NGO Integrationshaus in Vienna and has been part of law office Schmaus since 2015. She is a lecturer at the university of Vienna’s postgraduate program „European Studies“ and since 2021 co-editor of „Jahrbuch Asyl- und Fremdenrecht“. Dr. Kasper is an expert in the fields of children’s rights and holds regular lectures about human rights, children’s rights and asylum law. Apart from her legal activities, she is doing her master’s degree in Critical Studies at Vienna’s academy of the fine arts.

Mag.a Ariane Olschak

is an associate of law office Schmaus since 2021. She has been working for Menschen.Würde.Österreich, an organisation working in the fields of asylum and integration in Austria as well as multiple NGOs, such as Diakonie or the Austrian Red Cross’s department for family reunification. Before that, she was head of the legal department of the NGO Asyl in Not. Since co-founding the NGO frida in 2019, she has been part of the board. She regularly holds lectures in the fields of asylum and immigration law.

Mag.a Karin Schmid, MA (currently on leave)

is an associate of law office Schmaus since 2020. She has worked for Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst as a legal advisor in asylum law for years. In addition to her legal education, she received her master’s degree in human rights at the university of Vienna’s postgraduate center. She regularly holds lectures in the fields of asylum and immigration law.

Michaela Fischer-Langer

head of administration since 2014.

Isabel Mikolasch

has been assisting in the office administration since 2020 while studying law at the university of Vienna.